

This Nectar acts as a great suppliment to nectar eating birds such as Tui, Waxeye and Bell Birds. It can also be used as a food and energy source for butterflies and bees.

  • During the winter when there are no native flowers which to attract nectar feeding birds to your garden, Nectar can be used to suppliment their diet.
  • Nectar is best used in our tui bottle feeders, butterfly feeders and bee baths.

Ingredients: Natural sugars, NZ honey powder, pollen, vitamin and mineral supplement.

Directions: Best used using a Creative Woodcraft Tui bottle feeder, butterfly feeder and bee/bird baths. Mix one part nectar powder to four parts water. The wet mix can be made as one large batch if prefered, frozen as ice cubes and then placed in the feeders as required.

Note: Clenliness of feeders is important so remove uneaten nectar frequently and replace with a fresh nectar mix.


  • $12.00

Tags: Wildflowers, Seeds, Bees, Birds, Butterflies